
Dr. Janet Sturm, Principal Investigator 

NIH Phase II Fast Track Grant Awarded (June 1, 2010-May 31, 2012) 

Grant submitted by Don Johnston Incorporated. FirstAuthor: A Writing Process Software Tool, Small Business Technology Transfer Research Grant, National Institute of Health, Child Behavior Branch under grant number R42 HD059238-02. 


Dr. Janet Sturm, Principal Investigator 

NIH Phase I STTR Fast Track Grant Awarded (June 1, 2009-May 31, 2010) 

Grant submitted by Don Johnston Incorporated. FirstAuthor: A Writing Process Software Tool, Small Business Technology Transfer Research Grant, National Institute of Health, Child Behavior Branch under grant number R41HD059238-01. 


Dr. Janet Sturm, Principal Investigator 

NIH R41 STTR Awarded and Completed February 2006 

Grant submitted by Don Johnston Incorporated. FirstAuthor: A Writing Process Software Tool. Phase I, Small Business Technology Transfer Research Grant. Funded by the National Institute of Health, Child Behavior Branch under grant number 1 R41 HD44297-01A1. 


Dr. Janet Sturm, Principal Investigator, Literacy Strand (1999-2003) 

Improving literacy technologies for school-age children with severe physical disabilities  

Multi-Site Communication Enhancement Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center Grant Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the Department of Education under grant number H133E980026.